About our Sponsors
The USAMTS thanks all of the following organizations for their generous support!

The USAMTS is primarily funded by the National Security Agency (NSA), which has funded the program since 1992. Mathematicians at NSA also generously donate hundreds of hours to grade student submissions. The USAMTS would not be possible without the support of the National Security Agency.

The USAMTS also receives financial and logistical support from AoPS Incorporated.

Wolfram Research has donated copies of its mathematics software Wolfram Mathematica and WolframAlpha Pro as prizes for high-scoring students.
The USAMTS is always looking for more sponsors! If your corporation or foundation would like to become a sponsor of the USAMTS, please contact Brian Edwards at brian@artofproblemsolving.org. The USAMTS is managed by the Art of Problem Solving Initiative, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.