
The USAMTS awards prize books, mathematical software, and T-shirts to the top 45% of students. The prize levels are:

Gold winners each receive 3 prize books, silver and bronze winners each receive 2 prize books, and honorable mention winners receive 1 prize book. Higher prize levels get to select their prizes sooner. Recent prize books include:

All prize recipients will also receive free subscriptions to Wolfram software. In 2023–2024, eligible students received free one-year subscriptions to WolframOne. We thank Wolfram Research for generously donating these prizes.

Additionally, all prize recipients receive a USAMTS T-shirt featuring one of the problems from the year’s contest.

All students who score 68 or higher (out of 75) on the USAMTS qualify to take the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME), which is the second contest in the process of selecting the team that will represent the USA at the International Mathematical Olympiad. Students who qualify for the AIME via the USAMTS also have the potential to qualify for the USAJMO and USAMO contests. Such students who score 9 or 10 on the AIME qualify for the USAJMO (if they meet the USAJMO eligibility criteria), and students who score 11 or higher on the AIME qualify for the USAMO. This qualification pathway is only for students who qualify for the AIME via the USAMTS.